How to Change Instagram Name Easily & Quickly

change instagram name

Changing your Instagram name is a simple process that can be done easily and quickly. Instagram allows users to change their username as many times as they want, as long as it meets certain restrictions.

Your username is the name that appears at the top of your profile and in your profile’s URL. It needs to be unique and can only contain letters, numbers, periods, and underscores.

If you want to change your Instagram name, you can do so in the app or on a computer.

In the following sections, we will explain step-by-step how to change your Instagram name and provide some guidelines and considerations to keep in mind.

How to Change Instagram Name in the App

To change your Instagram name in the app, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log into your Instagram account on the iOS or Android app.
  2. Ensure that you are logged into the account you wish to change.
  3. Tap on your avatar icon in the bottom-right corner to navigate to your profile.
  4. Tap on “Edit profile” located under your bio.
  5. In the “Username” field, enter your desired new username.
  6. Once you’ve entered your new username, tap the blue checkmark in the upper right corner to save your changes.

It’s as simple as that! By following these steps, you can easily modify your Instagram name right from the convenience of your mobile device.

Why Change Your Instagram Name in the App?

Changing your Instagram name in the app allows you to quickly update your profile without the need for a computer or web browser.

This method is especially useful for users who primarily access Instagram on their mobile devices and prefer the convenience of making changes on the go.

Benefits of Changing Your Instagram Name in the App

  • Quick and hassle-free process
  • Immediate implementation of changes
  • No need to switch to a computer or web browser

By utilizing the app to change your Instagram name, you can easily keep your profile up-to-date with your desired username.

Platform Advantages
iOS Seamless user experience
Android Wide availability and compatibility

How to Change Instagram Name on a Computer

If you prefer to change your Instagram name on a computer, you can do so by visiting in a web browser. Make sure you’re logged into your account. Once logged in, click on your profile icon on the right side of the homepage and select “Profile.” Then, click on “Edit profile” next to your username. In the Username field, you can enter your new desired username. After making the change, click “Submit” to save your new Instagram name.

Step Instructions
1 Open a web browser and go to
2 Log into your Instagram account
3 Click on your profile icon on the right side of the homepage
4 Select “Profile” from the dropdown menu
5 Click on “Edit profile” next to your username
6 In the Username field, enter your new desired username
7 Click “Submit” to save your new Instagram name

Changing your Instagram name on a computer gives you the flexibility to type and edit your new desired username with ease. Follow the step-by-step instructions above to update your Instagram name efficiently in a web browser.

modify instagram name on web browser

Guidelines for Changing Your Instagram Name

When changing your Instagram name, there are some guidelines and restrictions to keep in mind. Your username must be unique to your account and cannot exceed 30 characters. It can only contain letters, numbers, periods, and underscores. Special characters and spaces are not allowed. Additionally, once you change your username, you have 14 days to change it back if you decide you don’t like it. After that, someone else may claim the username.

It’s crucial to adhere to the character limit and avoid using any prohibited characters to ensure a successful username change. Instagram has these guidelines to maintain a consistent and user-friendly experience for all its users.

Here’s a summary of the guidelines for changing your Instagram name:

Guidelines Restrictions
Your username must be unique to your account. Ensure no one else has the same username.
Your username cannot exceed 30 characters. Keep it concise and within the limit.
Only use letters, numbers, periods, and underscores. Avoid special characters and spaces.

Remember that changing your Instagram username is a permanent decision. Choose a name that reflects your personal or brand identity and that you are satisfied with in the long run.

Next, we’ll explore what to do if your desired username is already taken, and how to handle the potential impact of changing your Instagram username.

What to Do If Your Desired Username Is Taken

If you discover that the username you want is already taken on Instagram, there are a few steps you can take to overcome this obstacle. When you submit your desired username, Instagram will notify you if it’s already in use. To make your username unique to you, you can try adding numbers or underscores.

It’s important to note that usernames on Instagram are unique, so if someone else is already using a particular username, you won’t be able to claim it for yourself. However, usernames can become available in the future. Users may change or delete their profiles, and Instagram occasionally removes fake accounts.

Here are some strategies you can follow if your desired username is taken:

  1. Add Numbers: Consider adding numbers to your desired username to make it unique to you. For example, if the username “johndoe” is taken, you could try “johndoe123” or “johndoe_01”.
  2. Use Underscores: Another option is to use underscores to separate words in your desired username. For example, if “johndoe” is taken, you could try “john_doe” or “john_doe_21”.
  3. Check Availability: Keep checking back to see if your desired username becomes available in the future. Users may change or delete their profiles, freeing up usernames that were previously taken.

By utilizing these strategies, you can still create a unique and personalized username on Instagram, even if your first choice is already taken.


Alice is excited to join Instagram and create an account using her desired username, “aliceadventures”. However, when she submits the username, Instagram notifies her that it’s already taken. Undeterred, Alice decides to add her birth year to the username and tries “aliceadventures1990”. Fortunately, this username is available and she successfully creates her Instagram account with a unique username.

Alternative Instagram Username Suggestions:

Desired Username Suggestion
aliceadventures alice_adventures
johnsmith johnsmith123
sarahjones sarah_jones_

alternative instagram username

Considerations When Changing Your Instagram Name

Before changing your Instagram name, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. First and foremost, understand that changing your name may have an impact on your followers. Some of them may be confused by the sudden change and choose to unfollow you. It’s essential to be prepared for this potential impact and not take it personally.

Additionally, changing your Instagram name will also change the URL of your account, which may affect any external links or mentions of your previous username. It’s crucial to update any websites, blogs, or social media profiles that link to your Instagram account to ensure a smooth transition for your followers and avoid any broken or outdated links.

If you have collaborations or partnerships with brands or individuals, remember to inform them about the name change and update any contracts, promotional materials, or branded content to reflect your new username. This will help maintain consistency and avoid any confusion among your audience.

Furthermore, it’s a good idea to announce your name change to your followers in advance. You can create a post or story explaining the reason behind the change or simply informing them about the upcoming update. This communication will help alleviate any confusion and give your followers a heads-up, ensuring a smoother transition.

“Changing your Instagram name requires careful consideration to mitigate the potential impact on your followers and maintain brand consistency across all platforms.”

Impact on Instagram Followers

Changing your Instagram name may result in some followers deciding to unfollow you. This can happen due to several reasons:

  • Lack of Recognition: Some followers may not recognize your new username and assume you are a different account, leading them to unfollow.
  • Loss of Interest: A name change can make some followers lose interest if they feel disconnected from the account they originally followed.
  • Confusion: If your username no longer aligns with the content or niche you previously focused on, it may confuse followers and cause them to unfollow.

It’s important to be prepared for a potential decrease in followers and understand that it’s a normal part of the transition. Focus on engaging with your existing followers and creating valuable content to attract new ones.

Updating Links After Changing Your Username

Changing your Instagram username will also impact any external links or mentions of your previous username. It’s crucial to update these links to ensure a seamless experience for your audience. Here are some steps to take:

  1. Review all websites, blogs, or social media profiles where you have linked to your Instagram account.
  2. Replace the old username with your new username.
  3. Double-check that all links are working correctly and directing users to your new Instagram profile.

By proactively updating your links, you can ensure that your audience can easily find and follow your new username without any disruptions.

Impact on Instagram Followers and Engagement

Impact Explanation
Decrease in Followers Some followers may unfollow due to the change in username, resulting in a potential decrease in your follower count.
Shift in Engagement With a different username, your audience may need time to adjust and engage with your content at the same level as before.
New Audience Attraction A username change can also attract new followers who may resonate better with your updated branding or niche.

Considerations When Changing Instagram Name

Difference Between Display Name and Username

Understanding the difference between your display name and your username on Instagram is essential. While they both play a role in your profile, they serve different purposes and have different characteristics.

Your display name is the name that appears on your profile and can be changed as often as you like. It’s a way to express your creativity and personal brand on Instagram. You can include emojis, special characters, and even change it regularly to reflect different themes or moods. However, it’s important to note that the display name doesn’t need to be unique to your account.

“Your display name is like a visual representation of yourself on Instagram. It’s the first thing people see when they visit your profile, and it allows you to show off your unique personality.”

On the other hand, your username is a distinct identifier that appears at the top of your profile and forms part of your profile’s URL. It needs to be unique and has specific restrictions on characters and symbols. Your username is what others will use to mention you or search for your profile. It’s a permanent identifier that helps people recognize and find you on Instagram.

“Your username is like your Instagram address. It’s what people will type in their browser to visit your profile, and it’s the handle they’ll use when tagging or mentioning you in posts and comments.”

To better illustrate the distinction between display name and username, here’s a table outlining their characteristics:

Display Name Username
Can be changed as often as you like Needs to be unique and cannot be changed frequently
No restrictions on characters or symbols Has specific character and symbol restrictions
Appears on your profile Appears at the top of your profile and in your profile’s URL
Doesn’t require uniqueness Needs to be unique to your account
Allows for creative expression Is a permanent identifier for your profile

By understanding the difference between display name and username, you can effectively manage and express your online identity on Instagram.

Instagram display name vs username

Impact of Changing Your Instagram Username

Changing your Instagram username can have a significant impact on your followers and engagement. When you decide to change your username, it’s essential to consider the potential consequences and be prepared for any resulting changes in your online presence.

One of the potential impacts of changing your Instagram username is confusion among your followers. Your followers may be used to identifying you by your old username, and when you make a change, they may not immediately recognize your new username. This confusion can lead to some followers choosing to unfollow you, which can result in a decrease in your overall follower count.

Furthermore, changing your username can also affect your engagement levels. When your followers are unable to find your account easily due to a name change, they may be less likely to engage with your content. This can lead to a decrease in likes, comments, and overall interaction on your posts.

It’s important to note that the impact of a username change can vary depending on the size and dedication of your follower base. If you have a smaller, tight-knit community, they may be more likely to adapt to the change and continue supporting your account. However, if you have a larger following, the impact may be more noticeable.

To mitigate the potential negative impact of changing your Instagram username, it’s crucial to communicate the change to your followers. Consider posting an announcement in your Instagram stories or creating a dedicated post explaining the reason behind the username change and emphasizing that you are the same account they have been following. This can help alleviate confusion and retain your existing follower base.

Table: Examples of Impact on Followers and Engagement

Scenario Impact on Followers Impact on Engagement
Small follower base Minimal impact, loyal followers adapt to the change Slight decrease in engagement initially, but recovers over time
Medium follower base Moderate impact, some followers may unfollow due to confusion Noticeable decrease in engagement, takes time to recover
Large follower base Significant impact, higher likelihood of unfollowing Substantial decrease in engagement, may take time to recover

While changing your Instagram username may provide a fresh start or align better with your branding, it’s crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the potential consequences. Consider the impact on your followers and engagement before deciding to make a change, and be prepared to actively communicate the change to your audience to minimize any negative effects.

Impact of Instagram Username Change

Troubleshooting Instagram Username Changes

If you encounter any issues while trying to change your Instagram username, don’t worry! There are a few troubleshooting steps you can try to resolve the problem. Follow these tips to overcome any roadblocks that are preventing you from changing your username:

  1. Check username restrictions: Before changing your Instagram username, make sure it meets all the restrictions and guidelines mentioned earlier. Ensure that it is unique and contains only letters, numbers, periods, and underscores.
  2. Try variations or alternative usernames: If your desired username is taken, consider trying different variations or alternative usernames. This can help you find a unique username that suits your preferences.
  3. Clear app cache or restart your device: Sometimes, technical issues can prevent you from changing your Instagram username. Try clearing your app cache or restarting your device to refresh the app’s settings and improve functionality.
  4. Reach out to Instagram support: If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps and are still unable to change your username, don’t hesitate to contact Instagram support for further assistance. They’ll be able to provide you with personalized guidance and help resolve any technical issues.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can overcome any obstacles that may arise while changing your Instagram username. Remember, Instagram is constantly evolving, and technical issues can sometimes occur. Stay patient and persistent, and you’ll be able to update your username successfully.

unable to change instagram username

Finding Instagram Users with New Usernames

After someone changes their Instagram username, it’s still possible to find them using their new username. If you’re already following the account, it will still appear in your following list, and their new posts will show up in your feed. If you’re trying to find someone with a new username, you can search for their display name, assuming they haven’t changed it. You can also look for any posts or comments they’ve made in the past to find their new username.

find instagram users with new usernames

Method Description Pros Cons
Search for display name Look for the user using their current display name – Can identify the user easily if display name unchanged
– No need for knowledge of new username
– Only works if display name is still the same
– May lead to multiple search results
Search for old posts/comments Check past posts and comments made by the user – Can find the new username through past activities
– No need for knowledge of new username
– Time-consuming to go through old posts and comments
– User may have deleted past activities


Changing your Instagram name is a straightforward process that can be done either in the app or on a computer. By following the guidelines and restrictions for usernames, you can ensure that your new name meets the necessary criteria. It’s essential to consider the potential impact on your followers and engagement when making this change, as some users may be confused and choose to unfollow you. However, with careful planning and communication, you can successfully navigate this transition.

If your desired username is already taken, don’t worry! You can try adding numbers or variations to make it unique to you. Additionally, don’t forget to update any external links or mentions of your account after changing your username. This will ensure that your followers and potential new viewers can still easily find and connect with you on Instagram.

Whether you decide to change your Instagram name for personal, branding, or other reasons, the process is relatively simple and can be done in a few quick steps. Just remember to consider the impact on your online presence and ensure that your new username aligns with your goals and objectives on the platform. Enjoy exploring the possibilities with your new Instagram name!

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